Liebster Award!

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Oh, my God! This is amazing! I’ve been nominated for my first blogger award- the Liebster Award. I just want to thank all of you guys for sharing the ride with me. This is also your success. I especially want to thank Rageshree, who you can find at for nominating me for this award. I am very humbled and grateful. Please make sure you check out her blog. Her blog is a mix of amazing posts about a vast array of topics. I’m sure you guys will like it.


The Rules:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Share 11 facts about yourself.
3. Answer 11 questions the blogger gave you.
4. Nominate 11 bloggers, who deserve the award.
5. Create 11 original questions for the nominees to answer.
6. Let them know they’ve been nominated.


11 facts about myself:

1. I am a Christian. 🙂

2. I am a very shy person

3. I don’t have a TV!

4. I like dogs.

5. I play 3 instruments- guitar, piano and the mouth organ. But I know a little this and a little that about some other instruments as well.

6. My favourite hobby is just staring out the window in the morning and thinking.

7. My favourite homemade food is Appams and Chicken stew, a dish well known to South India. But when I go out for food, I love getting my hands on a plate of American Chop Suey.

8. I’ve always loved to recycle stuff. For example, I use magazines and stick their pages together to make tablecloths. 🙂

9. I love to write, sitting in the open, in the shade of a tree to be specific, though I am not always able to. 🙂

10. Most days, the only time I am not listening to music is when I am sleeping.

11. I love the colour blue! 🙂


My answers to Rageshree’s questions:

1. Which is you favorite book/movie and why?

My favourite book is the Bible. It brings God into my everyday life and adds colour and meaning to my perspective. I love animated movies( all of them) 🙂

2. If there is no internet connection in the house, what do you do for fun? [Don’t say: Try to connect the internet again or watch offline videos]

Haha 🙂 ! I would most probably stare out the window and think. But I also love to read and do my workouts. ( I’ve been reading a lot lately! )

3. If you had the chance to fly to any one place in the entire world, where would it be and why?

Wow! That’s a hard question. Probably Venice. I love the art and architecture there, not to mention the beautiful canals. Passing under a bridge many times in a row is something I’ve always wanted to do! lol! 🙂

4.Which is your favorite food item? In which country did it originate?

If it’s at home with my family, I love palappams and chicken stew,  a food known to South India. If I’m eating outside I’d probably go for an American Chop Suey.

5. If you had the chance to interview only one celebrity/world leader in this world, who would it be?

That’s a good question, but the list is so long for me. Billy Graham, probably.

6. If you weren’t allowed to pet dogs, cats, birds or fishes, which animal would you pet?

Haha! An elephant or a monkey .

7. Who is your role model and why? [Apart from yourself]

As a Christian, I find my role model in Jesus. Apart from who he is and what he has done for me, what makes him a role model in my life is the way he loved everyone, especially those most people chose not to love.

8. If you had the chance to empower the LGBT community by saying just 2 sentences, what would you say?

As a Christian, I firmly believe the biblical view regarding this topic. I also believe God loves each and every one of us. Know that you are loved.

9. You are unique. What is that one thing that makes you different from others?

I believe what makes me unique is my many traits, most of which are usually regarded as that of an introvert, mixed with my really talkative, outgoing and straightforward character. I am often shy when you first meet me, but once we know each other, I can be the most talkative and crazy enthusiastic person you will ever meet in your life. 🙂

10. What is the first quality that you want/see in your boyfriend/girlfriend/life partner?

What I would like to see in a life partner would be loyalty, and a love for God and life, enthusiastic and optimistic about everything life throws her way.

11. If you could write a short letter to your younger-self, what would you write in particular?

Wow! Great question! It think it would go something like this:

Hey, bro! Calm down. It’s not as hard as you think. Life’s filled with a lot of turns for the better. God’s in control. And oh, spend a little time cleaning your cupboard. ( It’s a mess now. Would save me a lot of trouble) lol! :). Don’t worry, be happy!


My 11 questions:

1. If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or forward in time and why?

2. If you had a pet ant, what would you name it?

3. What inspires you to blog?

4. Who is God to you?

5. Do you have writer’s blocks now and then? Do you have any ideas to overcome it?

6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

7. How would you describe love?

8. If you became a millionaire tomorrow, what would you buy first?

9. Who is the person you are most close to?

10. Which is your favourite song?

11. Do you play an instrument? If you don’t which one would you like to play?


My nominees:

I have a lot more nominees in my mind. Most of the people I’ve come across in this beautiful community are great bloggers. As I have to nominate 11 blogs, I have listed here the blogs that came to my mind first.

1.Quotes, Blogs and a Whole lot :-

2.Boots and Bag:-


4.Removing the veil :-

5.The World From My Eyes :-

6.Easy like Sunday Morning :-

7.Grief to Life :-

8.Living what you love :-

9.Sunshine :-

10.Splendor in Smoke :-

11.John-Eli & friends :-


Thank you guys for believing in me and reading my posts. It’s been great to know each and everyone of you!

Love and hugs,

Stefan 🙂





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I am a college student, studying in India. I'm a musician and I love to write, be on stage, and meet people. My blogs are about looking at life from a new perspective. I try to talk about the things we all sometimes miss out on.

43 thoughts on “Liebster Award!”

  1. Stefan, you are certainly worthy of this award! I loved reading your answers, I know your parents are proud! I can so agree with them all and so glad our paths have crossed. Keep being the wonderful you-you are a light and a blessing to the blogosphere! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That’s such a beautiful compliment, Jen! I’m truly touched. Thank you so much! It is people like you who inspire me and fuel me to write what I write. It’s been such a pleasure connecting with you. God bless! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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