Sunshine Blogger Award!

It’s so awesome to be part of something like this. I’d like to thank my dear friend, Stuart L. Tutt for nominating me. He shares his life, the highs and he lows, at his site over at He loves God and it’s a great joy to be a part of his life here at WordPress.

So without further ado, let’s get into it.

Here are the rules :

• Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to him/her.

• Answer the 11 questions provided by the blogger who nominated you.

• Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.

• Notify the nominees by commenting on one of their blog posts.

• List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post.

Here are Stu’s questions to his nominees along with my answers to them:

1. What brings joy to your life?

First of all, my family brings a great deal of joy into my life. A lot of great friends (including the ones here at WordPress) also are a big part of my life. But when it comes down to it, on a very personal and intimate level, I find great joy in art. Although music is what I enjoy most, I still find a great deal of joy in many other art forms. And I’m thankful to God for that every single day.

2. If money was not an issue, what would be your dream job?

That’s a great question. I really want to be that guy who goes on stage and does ted talks and inspires people. I really have this dream of being able to combine philosophy ,music and art and being able to present that to people. If I could make a living out of that, that would be awesome. I love being on stage and sharing something I care about.

3. What are two gifts the Lord has blessed you with, spiritually or physically?

I would say music and confidence. But that being said, there are a lot of other things that I am very grateful for. But those are the two that popped up in my brain first.

4. What post or posts touched you so deeply that you felt “everyone needs to read this!”?

That is a hard question because I’ve not been on WordPress for a long time. So, I’ll just mention one post I really enjoyed in my meagre exploring on my Reader. Tosin over at Alethea’s Mind wrote this beautiful post called Sitting. Watching. Doing. Nothing. You can read it here:

5. Which blogger would you do a Blogger Spotlight on and why?

To be honest, Stu, you’d be one for sure. I think you have a lot to say, whether it be about your journey out of pornography or just about life.

6. What does love mean to you?

Now that is one hard question! But nevertheless, I’ll try to make it as short as I can. I believe love holds everything together. The Bible says that ‘God is love’. That’s such an interesting line. It’s the most powerful reason possible for something. And I believe that true love brings truth into perspective.

7. If you could choose one attribute of Jesus to follow closer than any other, which one would it be?

I would love to be as approachable as Jesus is.

8. In your eyes, what is the hardest part of being a Christian?

Learning the true meaning of humility.

9. What do you want to be most remembered for?

I want to be remembered by my face and not by name( I might make that into a log post in a few days). I want to be known as the one who stayed when everyone else left. I want to be someone who believed in people.

10. Which Bible verse holds the most meaning to you and why?

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21. This verse empowers me spiritually because I have been given freely a position that now gives me perspective. And this perspective is what helps me lead the life that God wants for me.

11. Since it’s July, how do you celebrate the 4th?

Since I’m Indian, I don’t necessarily celebrate July the fourth. But I’m really happy for my American friends and share in their joy. But this past July 4th, I woke up in the afternoon, had a great lunch, went out and made some music. 🙂

My Nominees:

Tosin over at Alethea’s Mind:

Teen, Meet God over at

And anyone else who want to do it for fun.

My Questions:

  1. Do you know a really funny joke? If you do, share it!
  2. What in your opinion, is the most underrated song, book, movie, TV series, or anything for that matter?
  3. How do you enjoy nature?
  4. What is your favourite instrument?
  5. Hymns or contemporary music?
  6. If you could tell the whole word one single word, what word would that be?
  7. Do you think we should protect nature? If yes, then why?
  8. The year you enjoyed most in your life.
  9. One thing you’re thankful for as a human being.
  10. What makes you feel loved?
  11. A skill you developed on your own.

I just want to let everyone know that anyone is welcome to attempt any of these questions. Answer them in the comments. It could be a great way to connect.

Once again I thank Stu for this opportunity. Hope you guys have blast just existing on this beautiful planet!

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I am a college student, studying in India. I'm a musician and I love to write, be on stage, and meet people. My blogs are about looking at life from a new perspective. I try to talk about the things we all sometimes miss out on.

16 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award!”

  1. Your answers were like a shadow of mine, except for number 9. I would really love to know what you meant by being remembered by face and not name. Intriguing!
    Since I’m unable to do a post for this, I want to say thanks for nominating me, Stefan. You’re such an inspiring person. I teach young people at my church and to be honest I haven’t met any like you.
    I love your questions so I’ll answer them here:
    1. Do you know a really funny joke? If you do, share it! (Hahahaha, I’m already laughing at myself. I sometimes consider myself to be one of the biggest jokes ever, how God would love a mess like me, feels like a joke, but I’m glad it’s for real 😁)
    2. What in your opinion, is the most underrated song, book, movie, TV series, or anything for that matter? (The first song that came to mind is this: Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so… I thinks it’s underrated, because if we took it as serious as it is, just believing what the Bible says about us, we would go on to be so much more than we are)
    3. How do you enjoy nature? (I asked myself this question recently and didn’t have an answer, to be honest, a lot in nature scares the heck out of me. Thats gist for another day)
    4. What is your favourite instrument? It’s hard to choose, but I’ll say a guitar. I really wish I could play one)
    5. Hymns or contemporary music? (Both. I love music like that.)
    6. If you could tell the whole word one single word, what word would that be? (Forgive)
    7. Do you think we should protect nature? If yes, then why? (It’s a tricky subject for me. Ultimately, yes, but sometimes I wonder how we really can when it’s destined for destruction)
    8. The year you enjoyed most in your life. (2008 – 2009, it was the year I had my life to myself)
    9. One thing you’re thankful for as a human being. (Life)
    10. What makes you feel loved? ( Others going out of their way to support me, and Gifts….my goodness, I love gifts 🙈)
    11. A skill you developed on your own. (Knowing when to shut up 😆)

    Bless you, Stefan. Keep shining.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow! Thank you so much for writing all these answers. What I meant in answer no. 9 is that I want to be somebody who helps just because they want to and not for recognition. I would love be to be that guy that was there and then gone. But I want what I do to be so thoughtful that they never forget my face. I think we should take care of nature because nature incites praise in us and it glorifies God. All things have been made through him and I think us being the creation that all this was made for, we must play the role of faithful guardians

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t know you had responded to me. Thanks for explaining, it does make sense now, that they may not forget your face even when they don’t know your name. That’s a very good way to put it. Thanks. And yes, we should take care of nature in that sense and do our best to be good stewards to what the Lord has placed in our hands.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad you chose that post by Tosin! That one was awesome 🙂

    I love the answer about how you wanted to me remembered for. That’s awesome!

    I am deeply touched by your kind words about my blog. Thank you!

    Thanks for participating brother!

    Liked by 1 person

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